Play time in Chamonix

So Surreal!

Silas skiing the Rectilegne!

Looking back up at the waterfall under the Chapeu.With competition happening on the first day, it gave us a few days to enjoy skiing Chamonix before flying home. Last spring I spent three weeks in Chamonix and had very bad luck with weather and only was able to actually ski in the high alpine three days. I was hoping for a little better luck in my 4 days, but did not expect much. I ended up having 3 fun days and then the weather decided to come in on the 4th day. I never made it up the Agui di Midi this trip, tried a few times but was closed due to high wind. You definitely need to spend some time in Cham to ski the routes you want! The mountains have a mind of their own, but when you are able to get up into them they are pretty amazing and you forget that you were shut down for three days. I was able to ski two fun couloirs that I had never skied, the first day we skied at Le Tour and then skied the Chapeau off of the Grand Montet and the next day I skied the Rectilegne with my friend Liz Daley who lives in Chamonix. The Rectilegne was a beautiful couloir about 1000 feet long with a perfect pitch. The couloir dumped us out onto the Mer de Glace and we skied all the way down to Chamonix. It is pretty amazing in Cham when you can ski all the way down, because it is a 7000 foot run. I had a great week met some amazing people and thank you to Shaun Cooke and is amazing family for the hospitality and letting me stay with them!It has been challenging to run my gym while traveling, but I am so lucky to have some great girls working with me. I realize now that having your own business is not easy and even when traveling it is constant work!! I also just found out I get to film with Warren Miller starting this Tuesday in Big Sky Montana! I am so excited for this opportunity it is something I have always wanted to do since I was a little kid! Next competition Kirkwood, CA on the 27th of February!
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